Tuesday, 14 March 2023 | 15:06
Aulia Hafisa
Cut wound illustration (Pexels/Gustavo Fring)

TheIndonesia.id - Cut can cause pain, and dangerously, it can run the risk of infection. For that, you must know what kind of cut wounds you can treat yourself, and what kind of cut wounds a doctor must treat. 

Based on the severity, the cut wounds are divided into shallow and deep. A shallow incision wound only covers the skin layer. Meanwhile, deep incision wounds can reach more than 1 cm and can affect tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, and even bones.

A Cut Wound That Can Be Treated at Home

You can treat shallow incisions by yourself. The following are steps to treat incisions that can be done at home:

Illustration of wound (Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk)

A Cut Wound That Must Be Treated by a Doctor

Deep incisions need to be treated by a doctor and often require stitches. In deep cuts, such as those caused by cutting machines, the layers beneath the skin can be seen and bleeding can occur quickly and profusely, especially if large blood vessels are cut.

Immediately seek medical help at the nearest health facility. Do not delay for more than 6 hours if the incision is large or deep. Delaying medical treatment for a wound like this can result in shock from continued bleeding or a serious infection.

Apart from deep incisions that require immediate medical attention, there are also several conditions of incision wounds that need to be examined by a doctor, namely:

Handle incisions in the right way, and don't hesitate to see a doctor if necessary. During the recovery period, calm your mind and maintain your health by eating nutritious food, getting enough rest and sleep, drinking enough water, and not smoking and drinking alcohol.