
How To Send Large Files Via Email, Quick and Easy Way!

Aulia Hafisa
Email illustration (Shutterstock)
Email illustration (Shutterstock) - Large files are difficult to be sent by email because most email services have a maximum size limitation of 25 megabytes. So, if you want to send a video via email, you might get an error message. 

So, what should we do if the size of the file is more than 25 MB? If the video is over 25 MB, you are recommended to upload the video to a cloud service such as Google Drive

Then, you can attach the Google Drive link to the email. By this step, the email receiver can access the video file in Google Drive.

This guide will show you how to send videos via Google Drive in Gmail, which can be done via Android, iOS, and PCs. 

How to send large files via Gmail

1. First, open the Google Drive service in Gmail

2. Login using your Gmail account

3. Press the “New” button

4. Upload the file to be sent by clicking upload or by dragging the file

5. Wait a few moments until the upload process is complete

6. After finishing, righ-click or hold on the uploaded folder or file and press “Get shareable link”

7. Enter the Gmail page and send an email by entering the link that has been copied into the email.

8. The recipient will receive an email and open the link that was sent.

Tag # how to send large files via gmail # gmail # google drive # google mail # email # how to send large files via email

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