What Does Breast Milk Taste Like? Why Does Baby Love It So Much?

TheIndonesia.id - Breastfeeding has been proven to provide lifelong benefits for both mother and baby. However, have you ever imagined does breast milk taste like?
You may be curious about the taste of breast milk, which is often referred to as 'liquid gold'. For those of you who are wondering how it tastes and smells, this explanation can help give you an idea.
What does breast milk taste and smell like?
Well, there are many versions expressed by adults who have tasted breast milk. Citing the Healthline page, some people describe it as 'sweet almond milk'. Then, some people who have tried it also say it tastes like sugar water, ice cream, and cantaloupe.
Why can breast milk taste sweet which makes your baby love it so much?

Breast milk contains the sugar lactose, which when it has a high concentration can give a sweet taste. In addition, apparently, this sweet taste can be influenced by what the mother eats every day. When mothers eat fruits and vegetables, they can transfer the taste of these foods to their children.
Through breast milk, your baby can develop various kinds of tastes, such as salty and spicy.
Some of these factors can also change the taste of breast milk, such as hormonal changes, accumulation of lactic acid in the body which mixes with the salty sweat, consumption of drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol, and frozen expressed breast milk, until the mother experiences mastitis.
What does breast milk smell like?
Some of you may wonder, what does breast milk smell like? Most mothers say it tastes like cow's milk, but creamier and sweeter.
In fact, some call it to smell like soap.
In terms of texture, breast milk is usually thinner and lighter than cow's milk. Breast milk also contains fat. And the more often breast milk is produced, the fat content is also higher.
However, breast milk that has been frozen and thawed may have a slightly sour odor, and this is normal. However, if the breast milk that has been expressed is not stored properly, it will cause an unpleasant odor. Like cow's milk which turns sour if left open for too long.
However, everyone seems to have a different experience when tasting breast milk. There are those who like it, but there are also do not like it.
Breast milk, like any other food, can taste different for everyone. This taste develops from time to time depending on the genetics, or even the food consumed daily.