How To Care for Aloe Vera Plant in A Pot, Tips and Tricks - Aloe vera which belongs to the Xanthorrhoeaceae family has thick and slimy flesh. Since centuries ago, aloe vera has been known for its rich properties and benefits. So, how to care for the Aloe Vera plant?
If processed properly, aloe vera will produce two products, namely gel, and latex, which can be used as medicine. Aloe vera is commonly used to treat burns, irritation, and inflammation. Apart from being a wound medicine, you can process it into a healthy fresh drink.
Aloe vera is easy to find and care for, you can plant it in your yard using pots. Let's take a look at how to care for aloe vera plants in the yard.
1. Aloe vera likes dry soil
How to care for the first aloe vera plant, by planting it in the right soil. Aloe vera likes dry soil with high water absorption, if the soil is wet and damp it will make this plant rot quickly.
Aloe vera is a succulent plant, such as a cactus, which can store water for quite a long time. If you don't have dry soil, you can mix sandy soil with perlite and use pumice as the medium.
2. Choose the right planting medium

You can plant aloe vera directly in the ground or use a pot. If using a pot, prepare a pot that is 2.5 centimeters - 5 centimeters larger than the bud. Use a pot that has drainage holes to prevent water from pooling in the pot. If the soil is too wet, the aloe vera roots will rot and the plant will die.
3. Do not water it too often
Aloe vera is able to store water reserves for a long time but does not like to live in wet soil. You only need to do watering once for 2-3 times a week. If you just transplanted the aloe vera shoot into a pot, water it when new shoots appear, about one week after the buds are transplanted.
4. Give fertilizer regularly
In order for the aloe vera plant to be well-nourished, give liquid organic fertilizer every two weeks. Providing fertilizer will accelerate the growth of new shoots, make the color of the plants brighter, and strengthen the plants so that they are not susceptible to disease. Combine GDM Black BOS (Bio Organic Stimulant) fertilizer with GDM SAME Organic Bio Granule for maximum results.
5. Make sure you get enough sunlight
Aloe vera plants require sufficient sunlight so that the growth process can work optimally. Avoid placing the aloe vera plant in direct sunlight, this will make the body brown and scaly. You can put it in a shady place, and if using a pot, move it periodically in the morning and evening.
That's how to care for aloe vera plants at home. Simple and easy, right? Apart from treating burns, aloe vera also contains anti-inflammatories that can help treat inflammation of the intestines, help immobilize joints, and treat rheumatoid arthritis.