
Indonesia Badminton Festival to Become a Reference for Event in Pandemic

Diana Mariska
Health Protocols Enforcement during the National Paralympic Week in Papua.
Health Protocols Enforcement during the National Paralympic Week in Papua. - Event bubble implemented during the Indonesia Badminton Festival (IBF) 2021 in Bali can become the reference for future international events held during the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVID-19 Task Force said.

Head of Behavioral Change unit at the National COVID-19 Task Force Sonny Harry B. Harmadi said the concept of bubble used during IBF 2021 is different from the one during the National Sports Week, or PON, in Papua in October. It’s deemed to be safer.

“This is a full bubble concept which is stricter and different from PON Papua because it was a semi-bubble concept. In Papua, athletes and officials were still allowed to leave hotels, but it’s not allowed here [in Bali]. This will be the first time this type of full bubble concept is implemented in Indonesia and future events will look at this concept,” Harmadi said in Bali on Saturday, 13 November.

According to him, the concept has gone through thorough research and study to ensure optimum safety since IBF 2021, which will be held from 16 November to 5 December, is attended by foreign participants.

Among the sterile areas is Westin Resort where athletes and officials reside during the event and Bali International Convention Center. Westin is appointed as the main venue. Unauthorized individuals will not be allowed entry to this area.

Besides ensuring all participants are informed of the rules, foreign participants are also obliged to register themselves in PeduliLindungi app as a preventive effort.

“We support IBF with full mitigation efforts. This must be carried out very carefully as we’re still in the middle of a pandemic and wouldn’t want a new variant to enter Indonesia,” Harmadi warned.

To monitor security and the enforcement of health protocols, the event will involve up to 930 personnel from the police and the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), among others.

Tag # sports # bali # badminton # indonesia badminton festival

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