Selasa, 01 April 2025
Diana Mariska : Minggu, 14 November 2021 | 14:14 WIB - Diabetes continues to be one of the biggest health threats for Indonesians as a report shows a concerning number of undiagnosed cases.

According to data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Indonesia takes fifth place in the most undiagnosed diabetes cases in the world. Pediatric specialist Aman Pulungan said diabetes is similar to an iceberg, in which it’s almost impossible to get an actual number of cases; hence the high number of the undiagnosed.

“Diabetes is just like an iceberg. There are 65 million undiagnosed cases in China, 44 million in India, up to 12 million in the United States, 8.5 million in Pakistan, and 8 million in Indonesia,” Pulungan said during a discussion held by the Indonesian Pediatric Society, or IDAI, on Saturday, 13 November.

However, in regards to undiagnosed cases of diabetes in children, the figure is even more concerning as Indonesia claims the top spot globally.

“Proportionally, Indonesia is number one with 73.7 percent of undiagnosed. In China, the figure is 56 percent, and the average in other countries is below 50 percent,” the doctor explained.

The proportional figure of diabetes in children means the report takes into consideration the number of Indonesia population which is lower from China, India, and the US. Therefore, he said Indonesia remains in the red zone on diagnosing diabetes in children, particularly type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which is the most common among children.

According to the Ministry of Health, type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas fails to produce insulin to maintain glucose in the bloodstream. This lack of insulin results in an increase in blood sugar levels.

Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes happens when the body fails to use insulin properly, and it also results in an increase in blood sugar levels.



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