
Authority Freezes Factory Operations Over Toxic and Hazardous Pollution

Diana Mariska
Public protest in Cengkok village, Tangerang, Banten, demanding PT Sinar Logam Indonesia to be closed. (Photo: ANTARA/Azmi Samsul Maarif)
Public protest in Cengkok village, Tangerang, Banten, demanding PT Sinar Logam Indonesia to be closed. (Photo: ANTARA/Azmi Samsul Maarif) - The environment office in Tangerang has temporarily banned the operational of PT Sinar Logam Indonesia (PT SLI) after the factory was found to have dumped toxic and hazardous (B3) waste.

Head of legal department at the environment office Sandi Nugraha said the temporary ban was decided upon an agreement with residents in Sentul village who have been impacted and complained about the pollution.

“According to the agreement, company agrees to stop their business, both in production and operation,” Nugraha explained.

Furthermore, the agreement also rules that management must first complete the environmental impact assessment analysis (Amdal) and improve their waste management to avoid water and air pollution in the future, before being allowed to resume their business.

“Previously, the company’s operational wasn’t accompanied with environmental control, and it resulted in protests from the public. However, company continued [the practice]. As of now, it has been emphasized that company must obtain Amdal permit,” the official explained.

If PT SLI is later found to have restarted their operation without meeting the requirements, the environment office will slap the company with more serious penalty, or even permanent closure.

Nugraha added that his office is working with the environment office at provincial level to evaluate and study the results of lab test.

Meanwhile, PT SLI’s corporate lawyer Afandi Adit said the company will soon start the Amdal process, and it will also improve the way production waste is managed.

Adit also confirmed the company’s legality and said Amdal permit is the only issue that the company has yet to complete.  

Previously, it was reported that residents of Cengkok village, Sentul, Tangerang, held a protest earlier this week and demanded the closure of PT SLI for polluting the environment.

“We ask PT SLI to stop their operation because it harm nearby residents and surrounding environment due to the toxic and hazardous zinc,” one of the protesters Muhkam Hudaya said.

Tag # environment # pollution # waste management # factory # tangerang

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