
Tangerang's Waste-to-Energy Plant Will Process 2,000 Tons of Waste Daily

Diana Mariska
Rawa Kucing landfill in Tangerang, Banten. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/FAUZAN)
Rawa Kucing landfill in Tangerang, Banten. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/FAUZAN) - Tangerang municipal government is targeting to turn 2,000 tons of waste into energy per day as project for waste-to-energy plant continues in Banten province’s largest city.

Head of environment office Tihar Topian said the local government has been working on the project for almost two years, and progresses have been made to ensure the facility can become the much-needed solution to waste problem in Tangerang.

“The project has been prepared for two years, and it has gained support from various stakeholders and is ready to be implemented to solve urban waste management issue,” Topian said on Friday, February 25, as reported by Antara.

According to him, the project will involve Oligo Infrastructure Group who won the project tender, and contract signing is expected to take place next month before the project can go ahead.

“We target the signing in early March, so tender winner can start the work because it will need around three years until the facility is ready for use,” head of environmental management at the office Dadang Basuki added.

According to Tangerang government, the cost for this project amounts to over Rp2.58 trillion (US$184.29 million). Kick-off is targeted in 2023, and the facility is estimated to start operating by 2025.

Based on the agreement, upon its completion, the waste-to-energy plant will be managed by Oligo Infrastructure Group for 25 years, and afterwards, it will be handed over to Tangerang municipal government.

The project will take place in Rawa Kucing landfill where mechanical-biological waste treatment will take place, and in Jatiuwung subdistrict where electricity will be generated.

Basuki also explained that the plant is expected to generate up to 39 megawatt, and the energy will be sold to state-owned electricity company PLN based on applicable mechanism and regulation.

Tag # waste management # waste issue in indonesia # environment office # waste to energy # waste to energy plant # tangerang municipal government

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