
Sarawak and West Kalimantan Border Reopens by April 1, Quarantine Free

Arfi Bambani
Entikong cross border post between West Kalimantan and Sarawak
Entikong cross border post between West Kalimantan and Sarawak - The Sarawak State Government will open a land border with West Kalimantan Province on Friday, April 1, 2022. This is in line with Kalimantan Barat province's plan to reopen its borders to foreign arrivals without quarantine.

"For the initial stage the border opening is carried out at the Tebedu border gate, Serian, which borders the PLBN (cross-border post) Entikong, Sanggau, West Kalimantan," said the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia for Sarawak in Kuching, Raden Sigit Witjaksono, Monday, March 28, 2022.

Witjaksono said this after a hybrid coordination meeting with all relevant agencies at PLBN Entikong, related agencies in the West Kalimantan Provincial Government, and Sanggau Regency Government. The invitation was initiated by the Sarawak State Disaster Management Authority (JPBN).

He said the border gate operational time will be limited from 09.00 to 15.00 Malaysian time. During normal times before the COVID-19 pandemic, the border gate was opened from 06.00 to 18:00 local time.

"Two other Sarawak border gates, namely at the Biawak Border (bordering the Aruk PLBN, Sambas) and the Lubuk Antu Border (bordering the Nanga Badau PLBN, Kapuas Hulu) will be opened in stages," he said.

JPBN Sarawak as the agency responsible for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in Sarawak has prepared SOPs and document requirements for entry into Sarawak referring to standard SOP guidelines from the Malaysian Ministry of Health. In general, the requirements set by the Government of Sarawak are complete vaccinations with vaccines certified by WHO, while vaccine certificates from Indonesia and the types of vaccines used by Indonesian citizens are all acceptable.

Then carry out a PCR test two days before arrival to Malaysia, perform a professional antigen rapid test upon arrival in Malaysia within 24 hours. Professional rapid antigen test kits can be brought in by yourself or can also be purchased at the border gate as long as the device has an official label.

After that, download the MySejahtera application on your mobile phone and fill out the pre-departure form (at the Traveler menu option) in the MySejahtera application. Have health insurance that protects foreigners or Indonesian citizens from COVID-19 while in Sarawak.

Meanwhile, for medical tourism, the Sarawak Government has compiled a separate SOP for Indonesian citizens who come to Sarawak for medical purposes. Starting April 1, 2022, you can apply to Sarawak yourself through the MySejahtera application, and the number of patient companions can be more than one person without having to quarantine as long as they meet the requirements set.

Tag # west kalimantan # sarawak # indonesia-malaysia relation # entikong # quarantine free # covid-19 pandemic # indonesia covid

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