
Ministry Developing Management Platform for Cultural Heritage Objects

Diana Mariska
Cultural heritage objects in Galeri Cagar Budaya Jombang in East Java. (Photo: Rohmadi/TIMES Indonesia)
Cultural heritage objects in Galeri Cagar Budaya Jombang in East Java. (Photo: Rohmadi/TIMES Indonesia) - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has recently revealed that it’s developing a digital management platform to record and store information of cultural heritage objects in Indonesia.

Director or cultural protection at the Ministry Irini Dewi Wanti said the creation of the platform is deemed necessary, more particularly since many of cultural heritage objects have been found in Indonesia.

“This object must recorded because Indonesia has such a massive wealth. And if they’re not recorded, we wouldn’t know how much that we have,” Wanti said on Wednesday, April 6, as reported by Antara.

The protection and preservation of cultural heritage is mandated by law in Indonesia, but she said without sufficient data, proper preservation effort will be difficult to manage.

And the Ministry is currently developing digital asset management platform that will store relevant information on cultural heritage objects, such as its quantity and location.

“If they’re properly recorded, we can easily understand how much the objects are,” Wanti continued, emphasizing that lack of data will hinder optimal work by the Ministry.

She also asked the public to report to and inform the local cultural office if they possess cultural heritage objects, and upon report, assessment will be made to conclude whether they can be classified as one.

In Indonesia, the preservation of cultural heritage objects is regulated in Law No.11/2010 on Cultural Property and a 2022 government regulation on national registration and preservation of cultural heritage.

Tag # indonesia heritage # cultural heritage # cultural heritage protection # ministry of education culture research and technology

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