
Two Fire Hotspots Detected Near Indonesia's New Capital

Arfi Bambani
Hotspots information in East Kalimantan Province
Hotspots information in East Kalimantan Province - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through a station in Balikpapan City, detected three hotspots (hot spots) spread over two districts in East Kalimantan Province. One of these districts is bordered by the new capital city of Indonesia, Nusantara.

"These three hotspots were detected from our monitoring results from 01.00 to 17.00 Indonesia central time today and we immediately conveyed them to their respective districts," said Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman (SAMS) Sepinggan BMKG Balikpapan Class I Station forecaster Ilham Rosihan in Balikpapan, Friday, April 8, 2022.

Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) was immediately informed about the existence of the hotspot so that they can take further action to deal with it.

The two regencies that were detected to have hotspots were Berau Regency (one hotspot), then in Kutai Kartanegara Regency (two hotspots). The hotspot in Berau Regency is in Talisayan District with a medium confidence level, which is at the coordinates of 118.0047 longitude—1.2057 latitude.

For the two hotspots monitored in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, both are located in Samboja District and both have a medium level of confidence so that the relevant parties carry out checks as well as handling. Samboja is side by side with Nusantara, Indonesia's new capital.

Further checking and handling, he said, if the hot spot is a forest or land fire, it will be immediately extinguished and it is ensured that there is no remaining coal so that it does not spread to a wider location. "The two hot spots in Samboja District are at coordinates 116.9919 longitude—-0.9165 latitude, then at coordinates 116.9909 longitude—-0.9122 latitude," said Ilham.

Tag # forest fire # kalimantan forest # indonesia biodiversity # indonesia climate change # east kalimantan # new capital nusantara

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