Yogyakarta to Install 1,000 Free Public Wifi Points

Yogyakarta to Install 1,000 Free Public Wifi Points

The public wifi service is placed in a location that is considered strategic by the community and can be easily accessed by residents in need, one of which is at a community meeting place such as the Community Hall.


Indonesia Deleted More Than 1 Million Pornographic Contents Last Week

Diana Mariska
Pornographic content illustration (Photo: Shutterstock)
Pornographic content illustration (Photo: Shutterstock) - Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics has reaffirmed that the fight against pornographic content through cyber patrol will continue to ensure safe digital safe spaces for internet users.

Minister Johnny G. Plate said the cyber patrol is conducted on a daily basis to create digital space that is “healthy and safe” and reported that tens of thousands of internet accounts was taken down last week alone due to their pornographic content.

“This [cyber patrol] is done nonstop, including on adult contents or pornography, particularly child pornography,” Plate said on Sunday, April 10, as reported by Antara. “In the past week, there were tens of thousands of internet accounts taken down related to pornography.”

In addition to the massive amount of accounts, Plate said more than one million of pornographic contents were also deleted, also in the past weeks.

The Minister said the cyber patrol isn’t carried out by the Ministry alone, and that it works with other stakeholders and parties, including search engines and cellular operators.

The Ministry acknowledged the use of virtual private network, or VPN, among Indonesians that look to get more privacy in their online activity. However, Plate warned internet users to be wise in using the network because its monitoring is difficult.

“It’s beyond the authority of electronic system operators, and [the use of VPN] will require moral resilience. Once a person uses VPN, it means they enter a private space. And if there’s negative content, it shouldn’t be shared,” he reminded.

Besides the private sectors, the Ministry also works with the Indonesian Police in the legal proceeding of pornography in public space cases.

Tag # indonesia pornographic content # ministry of communication and informatics # indonesia internet # child sexual abuse

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