
A Myanmar National Fakes Documents and Passes Indonesian Army Selection

Diana Mariska
The Indonesian Army (TNI-AD) in the National Monument in Jakarta on January 25, 2022. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/Aprillio Akbar)
The Indonesian Army (TNI-AD) in the National Monument in Jakarta on January 25, 2022. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/Aprillio Akbar) - The Indonesian Army has dishonorably discharged an enlistee who was partaking in the training program after the individual was found to be a Myanmar national who forged documents to enlist in the military.

Henz DJ Songjanan was part of the Indonesias Army’s enlisted training (Pendidikan Pertama Tamtama, or Dikmata) in the second batch of 2021 on April 7, 2022, when it was learned that he is a Myanmar national. Songjanan was immediately discharged from the training.

Regional command Kodam XVI/Pattimura in Maluku later clarified the news regarding Songjanan’s dishonorable discharge.

“Henz DJ Songjanan was discharged from Dikmata due to citizenship documents forgery committed by his father Mikael Songjan. All documents, including Henz’s birth certificate, have been withdrawn by city of Tual’s population and civil registration office,” Kodam XVI/Pattimura’s chief of information Col. Adi Prayoga said on Saturday, April 9.

According to him, the selection committee was unaware that citizenship documents that belong to Mikael Songjanan and his family, who have been residing in Tual, were forged. It was only revealed after the population and civil registration office canceled the documents on March 31.

In its letter, the office stated that all citizenship documents that had been registered and issued on behalf of his name were revoked because Mikael deliberately faked his citizenship. He also didn’t submit temporary or permanent stay permit when applying to get his official documents.

As a result, he was found to have violated Law No. 23/2006 on Population Administration as amended by Law No. 24/2013.

Mikael Songjanan was also ordered to return the electronic identity card (e-KYP), family card, and birth certificates of his children Henz DJ Songjanan and Gefariel DA Songjanan.

“Based on that letter, birth certificate of Henz DJ Songjanan is considered invalid, and he had to be discharged from Dikmata,” Prayoga explained.

Furthermore, he also revealed that the issue was revealed later on after complaints and reports from the public.

He said he regretted the incident but said it’s an important lesson to learn.

Tag # indonesian army # indonesian military # indonesian national armed forces

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