
Expert Says State Must Do More to Protect Women in Fisheries

Diana Mariska
The coastal communities in Kenjeran, Surabaya, East Java. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/Didik Suhartono)
The coastal communities in Kenjeran, Surabaya, East Java. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/Didik Suhartono) - Despite making up 42 percent of total workers in national fisheries, an expert has said the role of women in fisheries is often overlooked, and the state should do more to protect and recognize the role and importance of women in the industry.

Advisor of the Association of Fishermen and Coastal Communities Nukila Evanty said women who reside in coastal areas as well as wives of local fishermen are often denied equal rights while they, in fact, have similar responsibilities in the their roles in fisheries.

“[Study shows that] 42 percent of workers in fisheries industry are women. However, their important role is oftentimes ignored – and management-wise, there’s also lack of recognition,” Evanty said on Thursday, April 21, as reported by Antara.

According to her, it’s not unusual for wives of fishers to also get involved in fishing. During the pre-production stage, they will help preparing the equipment and other necessary supplies. These women also often go out to sea, and in post-production stage, they’re also involved in processing.

Considering the tasks and the risks they pose, lack of protection for women fishers becomes an urgent matter that the Indonesian government needs to resolve immediately.

“The wives are accompanying their spouses, and their safety is also at risk when they’re at sea because they don’t have health insurance since they’re not registered to get fisherman card,” Evanty explained.

She said women in national fisheries industry are supposed to get equal security, safety, and protection because they also play a part in fish production.

She also suggested the government to start enhancing their service by registering women fishers across Indonesia to get fisherman card and insurance.

Tag # indonesia fisheries industry # indonesia coastal community # indonesia maritime # indonesian fishermen # women in fisheries

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