
1,130 Flights at Sokarno-Hatta Airport as Lebaran Holidays Come to an End

Diana Mariska
Passengers at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang on Saturday, April 30. (Photo: Hikmatullah)
Passengers at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang on Saturday, April 30. (Photo: Hikmatullah) - The Ministry of Transportation reported Soekarno-Hatta International Airport served 1,130 flights and more than 150,000 passengers on Sunday, May 8, as Idul Fitri holidays come to an end and millions of Indonesians are returning from their mudik trips.

Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said the number of flights and passengers on the fifth day after Lebaran, which fell on May 2-3, hit a record high since the COVID-19 pandemic was first declared.

“This hasn’t happened since the pandemic,” Sumadi said on Sunday, as reported by Antara.

He also revealed about 40 percent of the flight and passenger movements took place at Terminal 2 of the airport.

“There are about 570 flights as well as 3,500 passengers [at Terminal 2] per hour,” the Minister said.

Sunday was expected to be the peak of mudik’s return flow, and the Ministry maintained close coordination with airport operator Angkasa Pura II to ensure the airport was prepared to welcome returning Indonesians after they spent the Idul Fitri holidays in their hometown.

Sumadi also urged the public to postpone their return trips to avoid density at various public spots, including airports.

“For those who have yet to returns, don’t travel tonight [Sunday]. Return tomorrow or Tuesday, and the trips will be more comfortable,” he said.

Director general of civil aviation Novie Riyanto added that besides to ensuring a smooth traffic, stakeholders are also paying attention to passengers’ safety and security, including those of baggage and luggage.

“With the movement of 3,500 people per hour, there are about 10,000 baggage every hour. Those must be served well,” Riyanto concluded.

Tag # soekarnohatta international airport # soekarnohatta airport # homecoming mudik # indonesia mudik # ministry of transportation # budi karya sumadi

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