
Lampung University Rector Named Suspect in College Admissions Scandal

Diana Mariska
Rector of Lampung University Karomani at KPK headquarters in Jakarta on August 21, 2022. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan)
Rector of Lampung University Karomani at KPK headquarters in Jakarta on August 21, 2022. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan) - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has announced rector of Lampung University as one of the suspects in a college admissions bribery scandal.

KPK director of investigation Asep Guntur Rahayu confirmed on Sunday, August 21, that three leading figures at Lampung University (Unila) and one other person had been names suspects in the bribery case.

Rector Karomani (KRM), first deputy rector Heryandi (HY), and chair of college senate Muhammad Basri (MB) were announced as bribe recipient while bribe giver was identified to be Andi Desfiandi (AD).

Later on Monday, acting spokesperson of KPK Ali Fikri revealed that the institution suspected bribery related to college admissions in Unila to have been taking place for quite a long time.

“[We suspect] such practice has been taking place for a long time, and this is concerning,” Fikri said. “KPK will investigate this further, and hopefully, this does not happen in other institutions within our educational system.”

KPK revealed that earlier this year, Unila held an independent university admission named Simanila, in addition to the national entrance exams.

In relation to the scheme, suspect KRM had an authority on the mechanism in which Simanila was to be carried out.

Allegedly, KRM was actively involved in the decision-making process by instructing HY, MB, and Budi Sutomo to personally learn the financial ability of applicants’ parents.

Money submitted by parents (outside of the compulsory fees) could affect decision-making process and help their children to be submitted to the university.

KRM also reportedly ordered HY, MB, and Budi Sutomo to collect the money agreed with parents.

The amount of money paid by parents ranged between Rp 100 million (US$6,900) and Rp 350 million.

KPK deputy chairman Nurul Ghufron commented that in comparison to national entrance exams, independent college admissions held by universities has been found to be less transparent.

“KPK has studied and assessed that independent college admissions are less measurable, less transparent, and less certain,” he said.

Tag # college admissions scandal # lampung university # corruption eradication commission # indonesia bribery case # college admissions bribery

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