
Only Fully Vaccinated Foreigners Can Enter Indonesia: New Regulation

Arfi Bambani
Tarmi, an elderly from Tegal, Central Java, getting COVID-19 vaccine shot. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/Oky Lukmansyah)
Tarmi, an elderly from Tegal, Central Java, getting COVID-19 vaccine shot. (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/Oky Lukmansyah) - Domestic Travelers (PPDN) with the status of foreign nationals aged 18 years and over in Indonesia are required to get the complete COVID-19 vaccine or the second dose. This rule does not apply to those under 18 years of age.

These provisions are contained in the Task Force Circular (SE) Number 24 of 2022 concerning Provisions for PPDN during the COVID-19 Pandemic which was published as of August 25, 2022. The Circular received by Antara in Jakarta, Friday, contained the provisions for domestic travel requirements in point 3.b which stated that PPDN with the status of foreign citizens, originating from overseas travel with the age of 18 years and over, must have received a second vaccine.

The Circular also stipulates other additional provisions contained in point 3.c that PPDN aged 6-17 years originating from overseas travel are exempt from vaccination obligations. The task force also stipulates sanctions for faking a doctor's certificate as a requirement for people's travel.

The circular letter is effective starting on August 25, 2022. It is applied until a later time will be determined and will be evaluated further following the latest developments in the field or the evaluation results from ministries/ agencies.

With the enactment of this Circular, the Circular Letter of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Number 23 of 2022 concerning Provisions for PPDN during the COVID-19 pandemic is revoked and declared invalid.

Separately, the spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, said that the vaccination policy is one of the three main layers of community protection so as not to contract COVID-19. The first is 3M (Menjaga jarak or keeping your distance, Mencuci tangan or washing Hands, and memakai masker or wearing masks), the second is 3T (Tracing, Testing, and Treatment,) and the third is Vaccination.

"As long as the pandemic has not ended, and there is not enough scientific evidence to show that the vaccination has generated sufficient individual immunity and herd immunity, then implementing the three layers of protection simultaneously is to protect the health and safety of the community so that they can be productive and safe," he said.

Tag # covid-19 # covid-19 pandemic # covid vaccination # indonesia vaccination # how to enter indonesia

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