
Gov't Stops Illegal Tin Mining Activities in Bangka Belitung

Diana Mariska
Mining site at Menumbing Forest Park in West Bangka regency. (Photo: ANTARA/HO-Diskominfo Babel)
Mining site at Menumbing Forest Park in West Bangka regency. (Photo: ANTARA/HO-Diskominfo Babel) - The Bangka Belitung Islands provincial government has stopped illegal tin mining activities in Menumbing Forest Park in West Bangka regency because the operations continue to damage the area designated for conservation.

“This is part of our firm actions against illegal mining in Menumbing Forest Park,” Bangka Belitung Islands’ acting governor Ridwan Djamaluddin said on Friday, August 26, as reported by Antara.

Djamaluddin said the illegal mining is against the province’s commitment to conservation as he revealed the local government has been accelerating replantation in post-mining sites.

“Previously, we planted trees around Menumbing area, and I do not want anything contradictive to happen: we plant trees on one side, but on the other side, illegal mining continues,” he said.

Besides working to eradicate illegal activities in the conservation area, the provincial government urges mining companies to run their business legally by obtaining work order from state-owned mining company PT Timah.

“I have also talked to the perpetrators and explained that their operations must only be done legally based on valid work order,” the acting governor said.

During the monitoring, Djamaluddin also found that serveral heavy equipment were used in the illegal mining.

“Heavy equipment rental is indeed a promising business, but we expect those to be used in legal operations,” he concluded.

Tag # illegal mining # indonesia illegal mining # bangka belitung islands # ore mining # mining in indonesia # mining industry

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