Privacy Policy

Please read this section carefully, as you will be deemed to agree to each Privacy Policy when using this site.

If you do not agree with this policy, please do not continue using the site.


This policy relates to the handling of users' personal data on the site.

All data collected is not sold to any party but is used to enhance user experience while on this site. This includes providing content recommendations relevant to users' reading behavior on the site.

Web Browser Cookies uses "cookies" to enhance user experience. Browsers typically place cookies on a user's storage device to record and sometimes track information about them.

Users can choose to set their browsers to refuse cookies or to alert them when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of this site may not function properly.

Social Media API

Our site utilizes data from social media through an "Application Programming Interface" or API from each service provider (e.g., Facebook, or Twitter). Data usage is conducted in accordance with the service provider's terms.

IP Address

Our site stores "Internet Protocol (IP)" addresses to identify the location of users and the "Internet Service Provider (ISP)" used by users.

Comments and Feedback

If you want to provide comments, feedback, or objections regarding any or all of the content and information on the Site, we have provided email or our social media channels for this purpose.

You are allowed to provide comments and agree that if necessary, we will use them for informational purposes and display them on our Site.

Please note that not all comments, feedback, or objections you provide will be responded to directly, especially if we deem the content unclear and/or without clear identity.

Intellectual Property Rights

All Intellectual Property Rights on this Site belong to us. Any or all information and material content, including but not limited to writings, software, text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, logos, icons, or HTML codes and other codes on this Site are prohibited from being published, modified, copied, duplicated, or altered in any way outside this Site without our permission. Violations of the rights on this Site can be acted upon in accordance with applicable regulations.

You may use the information or content on the Site only for non-commercial personal use. Unless otherwise specified and/or explicitly permitted by copyright law, Users are prohibited from copying, redistributing, retransmitting, hacking, publishing, or engaging in commercial exploitation of downloads done without our permission as the Intellectual Property Rights owner.

In the event that Users have obtained the necessary permissions, Users are prohibited from making changes or deletions. Users hereby acknowledge and agree that by downloading Intellectual Property Rights materials, they do not obtain ownership rights over the downloaded Intellectual Property Rights materials.

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