Three Foreign Nationals Evacuated from Aceh Waters After Boat Engine Fails
It was previously reported that three foreign nationals were adrift at Sampoiniet waters after the engine of their sailing boat failed.
It was previously reported that three foreign nationals were adrift at Sampoiniet waters after the engine of their sailing boat failed.
the military-style uniform previously worn by a foreign worker from China at the PLTU 3-4 Nagan Raya construction site, in the Suak Puntong Village area, Kuala Pesisir District, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province
The tradition has been held since the Aceh Sultanate era, particularly during the ruling of Iskandar Muda in the 1600s.
Indonesian diaspora in Qatar held a performance of Indonesian Traditional dances, Saturday, March 19, 2022.
With more options and places for domestic and international tourists to visit, ASPPI is optimistic that the work to promote Aceh tourism will become easier.
The great Baiturrahman Mosque is an iconic place that holds many stories throughout history.
707 hectares of embankment and four hectares of cultivation pond owned by local fishers were affected by the flood that first hit the regency at the start of 2022.
reports and photos from local fishermen showing that the majority of the ship's passengers were women and children, while the condition of the ship very dense and unable to sail
This Sunday, December 26, 2021, is exactly 17 anniversary of Aceh Tsunami that devasted Aceh and killed more than 200,000 people.
Amid ongoing battle with poor infrastructures and facilities, teachers in the more rural regions in Indonesia continue to struggle to deliver quality education, including in Simeulue Island, Aceh.
The Aceh Besar District Attorney (Kejari) has arrested a civil servant (ASN) for abandoning his family.
A Sumatran baby elephant was reported dead after being trapped by poachers in the area of Aceh Jaya forest, Aceh.