FMD Outbreak Handling Involves Disaster Mitigation Agency: Minister
"We've been working to handle FMD and are cooperating with BNPB."
"We've been working to handle FMD and are cooperating with BNPB."
This iconic cat population is critically endangered, with less than 400 individuals remaining.
Currently, the FMD red zones include 1,765 subdistricts.
"We provide free sterilization for 250 cats and rabies vaccine for 500 cats."
In a country-based policy, Indonesia would only import meat from countries that are free from FMD.
Most of them were endemic Papuan animals.
1,317 livestock have fully recovered or have shown improvements.
Hundreds of mangrove trees were also planted.
Task force will ensure necessary measures are taken by the government in a timely manner.
The public warning issued by local authorities mainly addressed local farmers within the area and asked them to be more cautious of the spread of FMD as it has been reportedly been detected in Sukabumi.
The local government announced that the market will continue to close until June 12.
2,630 cattle have recovered while 99 died of the viral disease.
A Crocodylus porosus was found just behind state elementary school SDN 12 Pasia Paneh in Tanjungmutiara subdistrict, Agam regency.
FMD on livestock is not zoonotic."
Upon the finding, the agriculture office will continuously monitor cow barns owned by locals within the municipality.
BBKSDA immediately released it back into the conservation area.
The 179 cattle are showing the symptoms of FMD.
This rare endangered species can be found in the West Bali National Park and at Nusa Penida.
"They are stuck at the port and couldnt be returned to [NTTs capital] Kupang."
The transport of cattle from regions in which the disease has been found should be temporarily halted to prevent further spread.