Meet the Shamans Who Safeguard What's Left of Forests in Bangka Island
"The destruction of the hill will not only destroy our physical lives, but also our spirituality."
"The destruction of the hill will not only destroy our physical lives, but also our spirituality."
"Their operations must only be done legally based on valid work order."
Belitung regency government is offering island hopping activity for G20 delegations that will attend the Development Ministerial Meeting on the island fromSeptember7-9, 2022.
Among the islands that will be visited during the activity are Lengkuas, Kelayang, Batu Berlayar, and Pasir Islands.
Belitung in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) as a pilot area for the development of Integrated Area Development (IAD) to accelerate economic growth and community welfare
The rescue took place during a convoy.
Belitung Government prepares tourist destinations that will be visited by the G20 delegates during the Development Working Group (DWG) event inSeptember.
The geological site, located in Senyubok Village, Kelapa Kampit Sub-District, East Belitung, was operated from 1980 to 1993 and produced 500 thousand tons of tin ore with 2-percent grade.
Kupi Kuli is located inside the Literary Museum named Andrea Hirata.
West Bangka Regency in Bangka Belitung islands is preparing inclusive education in two elementary schools in the region to promote equality and access to children with special needs.