In 2021, BRIN Discovered 88 New Species in Indonesia
The Center for Biological Research at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) said 80 percent of new species discoveries came from Sulawesi.
The Center for Biological Research at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) said 80 percent of new species discoveries came from Sulawesi.
The grant aims to enable Citarum Program to form an international consortium to develop and test new and scalable approaches to converting wastewater and solid waste into new resources, combine innovative technologies with new business models.
The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has highlighted two primary phenomena that are threatening the existence of Paphiopedilum or Venus slipper orchids: overcollection and a decline in their natural habitats' quality.
The collaborative project concerns the collection and management of floating solid waste in the region of Bali, particularly in its eastern part, which is very concerned by this scourge due to the presence of numerous rivers carrying large quantities
Katingan Botanical Gardens has a collection of more than 500 types of fruits, whether the fruit is edible or not.
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) identified a new type of fern, Deparia stellata, which grows in the forest interior of Bintang Mountains, Papua New Guinea.
President revoked 192 forestry sector permits covering an area of 3,126,439 hectares.
Indonesian native animals show that nature comes full of surprise where you never think it before. The existence also disenchants you that your knowledge needs to upgrade by visiting them directly. Now, they are waiting for you to be acquainted
Most of them are from Begonia genera. This discovery also provides information regarding Indonesia's rich biodiversity and supports further research related to its sustainable use
Jakarta has completed construction of 12.6 km. The shortfall is for 33 km. The Ministry of PUPR will work for 11 km and the West Java Provincial Government for 22 km
He leads the movement to protect local orchids in South Kalimantan.
The surge was largely correlated to a decline in economic activity on account of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"This discovery adds to the diversity of Sulawesi shrews to three times more than is known from any other island," said Anang Achmadi, the researcher
Three small yellow Cenderawasih (Paradisaea minor) and one brilliant toowa (Ptiloris magnificus) came from community donations through the Animal Lovers Jayapura community and Rumah Bakau
Selayar can produce nyamplung seed 20 tons per year. It is more productive than jathropa plant.
The project is a collaboration between Bank of Indonesia, University of Indonesia, and three Islamic boarding schools. It can improve the independence of the boarding schools.
the total number of orangutans released since 2016 throughout the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park area in Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan with other related partners is 246 individuals.
The video was viral, showing a purple drainage water in a residence complex in Tangerang.
What is still covered with forest, both secondary and primary, is around 95.6 million hectares, meaning that 50 percent or even 51 percent of the area (of Indonesia) is still covered in forest
This was the second attack by a tiger. No casualty so far.