The Unique 'Lok Baintan' Floating Market in South Borneo
Lok Baintan floating market is one of the destinations that you should not miss when visiting Banjar City in South Borneo or South Kalimantan Province.
Lok Baintan floating market is one of the destinations that you should not miss when visiting Banjar City in South Borneo or South Kalimantan Province.
Here are three hidden beautiful places in IKN, Kalimantan!
Here are the5most sought-after Kalimantan culinary.
The Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary, Curiak Island Research Station in South Borneo Province welcomed the birth of a baby Proboscis Monkey onApril9, 2022.
Here are the5most popular snacks to break the fast from the land of Borneo.
The 203-kilometer Borneo Railroad construction project that crosses North Penajam Paser Regency, West Kutai Regency and Balikpapan City worth IDR 53.3 trillion was canceled
the total number of orangutans released since 2016 throughout the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park area in Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan with other related partners is 246 individuals.
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Here are six wildlife animals to meet in Indonesia and the best places to see them.