Muria Strait Turned Into Land Because of Colonial Forest Clearing: BRIN
A BRIN researcher cautioned that this land formed from sedimentation has not undergone complete compaction, making buildings on it susceptible to collapse.
A BRIN researcher cautioned that this land formed from sedimentation has not undergone complete compaction, making buildings on it susceptible to collapse.
Sorghum was first cultivated in Indonesia in the 1970s.
The botanical garden will support tourism potential and conservation effort.
Radiation monitoring systems can be installed in a number of priority areas such as vital objects, ports, borders, or the entry and exit of goods from abroad to within the country.
The funding recipients include Himmah Rustiami from the Center for Biosystematics Research and the Evolution of Environmental and Biological Research Organization at BRIN.
Genetically and morphologically this lizard is similar to the Melanesian species, namely Cyrtodactylus papuensis. The difference is seen in its larger body size, more than one row of large thigh scales, and deep precloacal grooves in males
Some factors that need to be considered in the development of nuclear energy in Indonesia are funding, time, human resources capability, and cultural and security factors
the collaboration focused on the development of innovative products at the company for the upstream industry.
BRIN will open registration for open selection in a special network of OR heads and PR heads with two stages, namely the stage of ranking based on administrative fulfillment and track records, and the interview stage.
In an area of 210 acres, the garden collected 191 tribes, 933 genera, 5,981 collection numbers, and 10,857 specimens.
Hence, exploration and research to uncover and utilize the nation's biodiversity is one of BRIN's priority programs
The Center for Biological Research at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) said 80 percent of new species discoveries came from Sulawesi.
The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has highlighted two primary phenomena that are threatening the existence of Paphiopedilum or Venus slipper orchids: overcollection and a decline in their natural habitats' quality.
The recent capacity is not in accordance to the World Health Organizations (WHO) standard.
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) identified a new type of fern, Deparia stellata, which grows in the forest interior of Bintang Mountains, Papua New Guinea.
Most of them are from Begonia genera. This discovery also provides information regarding Indonesia's rich biodiversity and supports further research related to its sustainable use
Due to joining BRIN, the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology changed its name to the BRIN Research Center for Molecular Biology (PRBME).
In the first, second, and third quarters, economic growth was recorded at -0.74 percent, 7.1 percent, and 3.5 percent, respectively, he noted. It is estimated to reach 3.54 percent in the fourth quarter
"This discovery adds to the diversity of Sulawesi shrews to three times more than is known from any other island," said Anang Achmadi, the researcher
It can fight infections caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and toxins. It is also for cancer survivors. It can also be used for prevention (of COVID-19)