Indonesia in No Rush to Announce COVID-19 as Endemic
The government has not yet seen some indicators of an endemic.
The government has not yet seen some indicators of an endemic.
The government should focus on determining pockets of COVID-19 outbreak based on health aspects, such as regional level status, number of infection, vaccination rate, and bed occupancy rate prior to changing the status from pandemic to endemic.
The government was introducing a trial for entry without quarantine for foreign travelers arriving in Bali.
The decision was taken as part of the transitioning process to normality.
Actors in business and industry are ready to head to endemic status and follow all necessary rules mapped out by the government.
The implementation of the no-quarantine policy for PPLN only applies through the entrance to Bali with air and sea travel
Jetstar Asia operates three flights a week on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. Garuda Indonesia operates one flight per week on Friday, while Scoot operates three flights a week on Monday, Friday, and Sunday.
Fourteen Indonesian nationals who live in Ukraine failed to evacuate since 12 of them tested positive for COVID-19. Two others chose to stay to accompany their family members who have been exposed to the virus.
An online travel platform shows the most-ordered foods, including the trending preferences for breakfast.
JKP is a program from the Ministry of Manpower for workers who have experienced termination of employment (PHK), complementing the benefits of the Pension Benefit (JHT).
"Now, Indonesia's positivity rate at 18.59 percent and that is above the standard set by the World Health Organization (WHO), which is five percent," the task force's health support head, Alexander K. Ginting, said
The daily PM2.5 concentration data and the number of positive COVID-19 cases in DKI Jakarta Province from January 1 to February 6, 2022, shows that the increase in positive cases of COVID-19 has no relation to the concentration of PM2.5.
"The red zone points are spread over several sub-districts including Palmerah, Kalideres, Cengkareng, and Kembangan," police said.
Indonesia is proposing and focusing on three health programs during its G20 presidency.
The public themselves play an equally crucial role to counter misinformation, that spreads particularly faster through social media.
In addition to convalescent plasma therapy, antiviral drugs Ivermectin, Hidroksiklorokun, Azitromisin, and Oseltamivir have also been excluded from the manual.
although the province had entered the third wave, the condition is not as bad as during the second wave caused by the Delta variant during which a spike in the death toll was recorded.
At the moment, it's only for patients living in greater Jakarta. Next week, it will serve Greater Bandung, Greater Solo, Greater Semarang, Yogyakarta, Greater Malang, and Denpasar
Based on the current assessment, areas such as Jabodetabek, Yogyakarta, Bali, and Bandung will be on Level 3 PPKM. This is not due to the high number of cases, but due to low tracing
The government has also decided to make temporary restrictions on entering Indonesian territory, either directly or in transit in foreign countries, for foreign travelers who have the status of Foreign Citizens (WNA) unless they meet the criteria.