Indonesia Shrugs Off UN's Statement on New Criminal Code
Indonesia's Minister of Law and Human Rights said statement released by the United Nations in relation to the country's new criminal code that was passed earlier this month was too late.
Indonesia's Minister of Law and Human Rights said statement released by the United Nations in relation to the country's new criminal code that was passed earlier this month was too late.
The naturalization process is given the green light because it is seen as a beneficial option for Indonesian football.
The reconstruction shows the role of each of the perpetrators in the murder incident which was carried out by mutilating the victim's body and then put into six different sacks.
There was an upward trend in the last 5 years (2018-2022), starting from 69.00 (2018) to 73.71 points (2019), 75, 27 points (2020), 76.02 points (2021), and 77.88 points in 2022
"After more than nine years here, there has been no answer and certainty."
Developed countries have deinstitutionalized orphanages. We see no discourse in Indonesia to criticize let alone to abolish it.
Foreign nationals, including the senior ones, who look to settle in Indonesia can benefit from and apply for the visa.
"During the New Order era, many people without a judicial process were accused of being PKI. That's saddening," said Chairman of the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission Ahmad Taufan Damanik
In September, Pandjaitan filed a defamation lawsuit against Azhar and Maulidiyanti after the activists said in a video that the Coordinating Minister had a part in mining business in Intan Jaya, Papua.
Seven terrorist convicts in Class I Penitentiary and one convict in Class IIA Women Penitentiary in Medan pledged their loyalty to Indonesia.
By ratifying the treaty, government and other concerning stakeholders will have a tool to improve how correctional facilities, penitentiaries, and other institutions are run.
Among the 404 inmates, 79 have been waiting in correctional facilities for more than 10 years.
Two human rights activists were summoned by the police in relation to defamation report filed by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.
Prosecutors also want defendant Herry Wirawan to pay a Rp500 million (US$35,700) fine and Rp331 million restitution to his victims, aside from chemical castration and a request to the court to make his identity be made public.
104 cases related to civil right violation were reported in the country during 2021, with cases involving the police dominating the list.
According to reports, the two Pakistanis were found to have been selling Al-Quran and then asking for donations at mosques.
Technological advances and the pandemic conditions that occurred during the last two years had pushed everyone into a virtual world that is without limits and exploited by terrorist networks.
President asks for amendment of some articles that have criminalized activists and human rights defenders.
The suspect AP, who was arrested Wednesday morning at around 04.00 WIB, played a role as a JI member with the position of Head of IT Sub Division in the Central Java JI network.
Discuss how to determine the sex of a person who only has male genitals, perfect or not, but also has female external characteristics such as having a uterus and menstrual blood