Meratus Geopark Prepares to Become a UNESCO Global Geopark
The Meratus Mountains, which are almost 200 million years old, have a complex geological history. This area has been designated as a national geopark in 2018.
The Meratus Mountains, which are almost 200 million years old, have a complex geological history. This area has been designated as a national geopark in 2018.
Rafflesia arnoldii R. Br was blooming for the first time as a result of cultivation in the Bogor Botanical Gardens.
Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman stated that the benefit of PT Vale was still minimal in its contribution to South Sulawesi, including for the environment and regional income
All-party collaboration, especially among universities, is needed to handle the waste problem in Jakarta, the Environment Office of South Jakarta has said.
The Maros Pangkep Geopark area is officially included as part of the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG) based on the UNESCO Global Geopark council meeting in Thailand.
"With a total of 2,258 fisheries resources and a total of 473 species of sponges/ coral, that will be smuggled into Singapore," a police said.
A herd of wild elephants ransacked a replanting area in Alue Rubek Gampong Gunong Buloh, Panga District, Aceh Jaya Regency. The herd has occupied the area since two days ago.
This conclusion was obtained based on a necropsy and laboratory examination of the carcass that was found in the concession area of PT Arara Abadi in Koto Pait Beringin Village, Talang Muandau District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province
Sorghum is an important commodity that can be utilized as a replacement for wheat. For instance, the sorghum commodity can be processed into noodles for which wheat is still utilized in Indonesia, he explained.
The area under mangrove forests in the coastal parts of South Sulawesi spans 12,256.90 hectares, and the length of the coastline is 1,937 kilometers, according to PDASRHL Office.
The glacier at Jayawijaya Peak, based on the results of BMKG's research, is currently only about two square kilometers, or one percent of its initial area of about 200 square kilometers.
A total of 7,000 cultivated bilih fish were released to their natural habitat in Lake Singkarak, West Sumatra
The government plans to apply the new entrance fee of Rp3.75 million per ticket holder to visit Komodo Island and Padar Island, starting August 1, 2022, for a year.
The botanical garden will support tourism potential and conservation effort.
For the Clean Cities, Blue Ocean program, USAID will also collaborate with investment management company Circulate Capital and a plastic recycling company called Prevented Ocean Plastic Asia
The cases are in several places under Riau police jurisdiction. "Our commitment is clear, Riau must be free from smoke disasters."
Based on Breath data in June 2022, PM2.5 pollution is highest in the morning and only improves from 09.00 am to 16.00 WIB.
The Bogor City Government, West Java, cooperates with cellular operator companies to make a breakthrough in reducing plastic bottle waste by exchanging it for phone credit worth Rp10,000 per bottle.
This policy would have an impact on the behavior of the industry and society to produce and consume products with low greenhouse gas emissions
The majority of faunas in Ujung Kulon National Park are rare animals.