Governor of Indonesia's Poorest Province Gambles Up to USD 37 Million
He becomes a suspect in bribery and gratification. He is the governor of Papua, the most underdeveloped province in Indonesia.
He becomes a suspect in bribery and gratification. He is the governor of Papua, the most underdeveloped province in Indonesia.
Baswedan, wearing a white official uniform, arrived at the KPK's Red and White Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at around 09.25
The Attorney General's Office has scheduled a follow-up examination of Surya Darmadi next Thursday, August 18.
Surya Darmadi came from Taipei, China, and arrived in Indonesia, Monday, around 13.00 WIB. Next, Darmadi went to the AGO to undergo an examination.
His attorney pointed out that his client had written to Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin and the leadership of the Attorney General's Office to prepare him for an examination.
Based on expert calculations, Attorney General revealed the estimated state losses due to his corruption reached Rp78 trillion or US$5.2 billion.
The most recent asset confiscated was collateral belonging to obligor Agus Anwar in the form of land covering an area of 340 hectares in Bojong Koneng Village, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Regency
The problem started with the many unlicensed floating fish cages that caused various bad effects in the lake. The remaining feed and feces from millions of tons of fish in the cages make the lake water cloudy and settle at the bottom of the lake.
Two cases. First, he underwent a trial in a case of corruption at the Regional Mining and Energy Company (PDPDE), which is a business entity owned by the South Sumatra Provincial Government