The Legendary Indonesian 'Ketupat'
There is one must-have food during Eid. It is Ketupat.
There is one must-have food during Eid. It is Ketupat.
Here are the5most popular snacks to break the fast from the land of Borneo.
The bilateral agreement with Malaysia might create a monopolistic system and only benefit certain entities.
Merah Putih Vaccine officially entered phase 2 clinical trials today to be tested on human research subjects to measure vaccine effectiveness, efficacy, and quality
Refuse-derived fuel is produced by the Jimbaran Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST Samtaku) Jimbaran with production reaching 20 tons per day from a waste input capacity of around 120 tons per day
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through a station in Balikpapan City, detected three hotspots (hot spots) spread over two districts in East Kalimantan Province
First, ask for more vegetables, because vegetables can reduce the absorption of bad cholesterol
It raises a question: is getting vaccinated allowed during fasting?
Usually, people are afraid to be exposed to hot oil while cooking. However, this action might not be felt by the street food seller.
The foreigners forced their way into a villa belonging to a resident without permission from the owner and admitted that the villa belonged to them,
Each household will receive Rp300,000.
The economist previously underwent fit and proper test along with other candidate Darwin Cyril Noerhadi.
"When it comes to investment, domestic and foreign investors will also see this as a positive value for investing in Indonesia, there are clear rules of the game and strong enforcement of the PDP Law"
The figure, however, was lower compared to January survey.
Reog Ponorogo was officially proposed to UNESCO by the Indonesian government on February 18, 2022.
The Tenggerese still preserve their age-old traditions way of life, for example, the art of Reog.
The Sumatran Rhinoceros Sanctuary, Way Kambas National park in Lampung Province welcomed the birth of a female rhino.
Without sufficient data, proper preservation effort will be difficult to manage.
"As the largest investment destination in Indonesia, it is proven that the acquisition of Foreign Investment (PMA) and Domestic Investment (PMDN) in Riau Province in 2021 reached IDR 53.05 trillion and absorbed 61,195 workers," said Governor
About 1.4 million Australians visited Indonesia in 2019, but the figure fell drastically since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.