Police Thwart Smuggling of Thousands of Marine Life to Singapore
"With a total of 2,258 fisheries resources and a total of 473 species of sponges/ coral, that will be smuggled into Singapore," a police said.
"With a total of 2,258 fisheries resources and a total of 473 species of sponges/ coral, that will be smuggled into Singapore," a police said.
"This vaccine is not intended for the general public but for people, who are at high risk, or for health workers," Head of the IDI Monkeypox Task Force Hanny Nilasari
A herd of wild elephants ransacked a replanting area in Alue Rubek Gampong Gunong Buloh, Panga District, Aceh Jaya Regency. The herd has occupied the area since two days ago.
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"Their operations must only be done legally based on valid work order."
The Indonesian National Police's Code of Ethics Commission session decided that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was proven to have violated the Police's code of ethics.
The circular letter is effective starting on August 25, 2022.
Despite having a humanitarian aid mission in the country. Faizasyah explained that in addition to carrying out humanitarian work, the mission also continuously provides information and input to the central government in Jakarta
The BI Governor said that the bank has decided to distribute the digital rupiah through a retail scheme, meaning the digital currency will be disbursed by BI only to large banks and payments system companies.
Police Code of Ethics Commission imposed a dishonorable discharge or dismissal (PTDH) of Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo for committing a serious violation of the Police Professional Code of Ethics for the criminal act of premeditated murder
The task force that will monitor the use of trawl and seine nets within its territorial waters in a bid to protect traditional fishermen.
This program is an effort to work hand-in-hand with the drivers of Indonesia's digital startup ecosystem, which was initiated in 2016 to contribute to innovation and at the same time present solutions through digital technology.
The handwritten apology letter and signature on the seal by Ferdy Sambo was circulated to some media, Thursday
The designated land is located in Paser, Kurtai Kartanegara, and North Penajam Paser regencies.
There was an upward trend in the last 5 years (2018-2022), starting from 69.00 (2018) to 73.71 points (2019), 75, 27 points (2020), 76.02 points (2021), and 77.88 points in 2022
The government is expected to study and investigate the cause of mangrove's death in Ambon Bay.
This trial also presents several witnesses to explore the role of the former Head of the Police Profession and Security Division in the shooting of Brigadier J
Rendang is a delicacy from West Sumatra, Indonesia, which has been recognized abroad.
DPRA will invite medical experts and researchers to kick off the discussion.
"Because it is compartmentalized, it is protected from potential fire propagation."