Indonesia Applies Blacklist Model to Control Digital Content: Ministry
This policy differs from the whitelist content control model which is stringent in nature and applied in China.
This policy differs from the whitelist content control model which is stringent in nature and applied in China.
IDM or Internet Download Manager is mandatory software for those of you who like to download anything on the internet.
Here are the solutions if your internet starts to run slow.
The public wifi service is placed in a location that is considered strategic by the community and can be easily accessed by residents in need, one of which is at a community meeting place such as the Community Hall.
Mitratel is now the largest tower company in terms of tower ownership in Southeast Asia. Our ownership is 34,800 and the second one is far below us," said the President Director.
Those applications have been communicated to the Ministry of Communication and Information.
"We also carry out cyber patrols every day," said Johnny Plate, Indonesia's Minister of Communication and Information
The Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) finally blocked Electronic System Operators (PSE) who had not registered with the government
if Internet platforms have not applied to the system within the additional five-day registration period, then the ministry will start blocking the operators.
"Once again, to know the services provided, what if there is a problem, the guidelines must be in Indonesian so that people can understand. Many things must be obeyed."
A female tourist went viral on the Internet after posting a nude photo in one of Bali's sacred areas.
The fight against pornographic content through cyber patrol will continue to ensure safe digital safe spaces for internet users.
The village wifi program has been introduced to five villages in Lampanah Leungah Kemukiman, Aceh Besar District, and 14 villages in North Aceh District
Internet technology in Indonesia has developed rapidly and born a lot of e-commerce platforms. The presence helps both sellers' and customers' needs, primarily, during pandemics, and eases them to have safe and good transactions.
President asks for amendment of some articles that have criminalized activists and human rights defenders.
In 2021, the number increased by 49 percent to reach approximately $70 billion as compared to the figure in 2020. The growth of our digital market was accelerated due to the pandemic," President said.
A hashtag earlier circulating among Twitter users, who were venting their frustration on law enforcers.
Erick Thohir added Merah Putih Fund has three common threads; the founder is Indonesian, operates in Indonesia, and finally goes public in Indonesia. Erick Thohir sees that most startups are getting investment or being funded by foreigners.
As a vulnerable group, women bear the impact of COVID-19 more than men in terms of income, mental health, and inadequate social protection. Not only that, but women are also facing various new social issues as a result of the new normal
The agreement was made on November 30, 2021. "We discussed the arrangement for investigating international cybercrime networks that involve criminal actors from multiple countries."