Indonesia to Start Administering Sinovac as COVID-19 Booster
Ministry of Health has announced that Sinovac vaccine will be used as a COVID-19 booster shot.
Ministry of Health has announced that Sinovac vaccine will be used as a COVID-19 booster shot.
"I want people all over the world to be healthy. That way, I can retire. I can stop developing vaccines," he said.
The North Cikarang Police handed out ice cream to elementary students during a vaccination to woo them into getting vaccinated.
Indonesia has started vaccinating children aged six to 11 on Tuesday, December 14, but only a handful of provinces have been allowed to roll out the vaccination.
Sinovac vaccine was the sole COVID-19 vaccine to have obtained an emergency-use permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) for COVID-19 vaccination for children in the age group of six to 11 years.
The Indonesian government has announced that COVID-19 vaccine for children aged six to 11 will be rolled out from December 24.