Indonesia's Waste Management: A Rp127.5T Economic Opportunity
The minister highlighted key opportunities in various sectors.
The minister highlighted key opportunities in various sectors.
Yoursay.id, a Content Creator Platform of PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk., successfully organized various events to celebrate World Environment Day.
The series of activities included online campaigns with volunteers, environment-related talk shows, and service programs at the 'Nature' School.
The number of waste banks continues to rise."
All-party collaboration, especially among universities, is needed to handle the waste problem in Jakarta, the Environment Office of South Jakarta has said.
Of the 10 species, Lais fish is number one for contamination because it contains 135 microplastic particles. While the least was Saluang fish with 18 microplastic particles.
The country also suffers economic losses of up to IDR 551 trillion per year or five percent of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and loses energy content equivalent to 125 million Indonesians and additional carbon emissions due to wasted food
Some mineral water manufacturers use refillable bottles for their customers. For users, hygienic refillable bottled water is very important.
The environmentally damaging activities was first reported in 2021.
A Watch Dog while conducting an investigation in the waters bordering Singapore and Batam, Thursday, revealed that he found one foreign ship with a large capacity suspected of carrying toxic waste
The thread-shaped microplastics were indicated to have a similar shape and chemical composition as medical masks.
It can reduce households organic waste that will be dumped in landfills.
For the Clean Cities, Blue Ocean program, USAID will also collaborate with investment management company Circulate Capital and a plastic recycling company called Prevented Ocean Plastic Asia
The Bogor City Government, West Java, cooperates with cellular operator companies to make a breakthrough in reducing plastic bottle waste by exchanging it for phone credit worth Rp10,000 per bottle.
the company that littered the most in Bali was Danone Aqua with a total of 27,486 items of plastic waste or 12 percent of the total analyzed plastic waste
The audit also found that almost half of the total plastic waste analyzed was in the form of single-use sachet packaging waste.
Bumi Bulk Store & Refillery is a business from Kerobokan, Bali, which was founded in 2021 by selling a variety of environmentally friendly household products, such as foodstuffs, spices, teas, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and skincare products.
Emphasized that Pertamina will prioritize the affected residents and fishing groups located in the Pertamina Ternate area.
Refuse-derived fuel is produced by the Jimbaran Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST Samtaku) Jimbaran with production reaching 20 tons per day from a waste input capacity of around 120 tons per day
"Bad waste management by Tasikmalaya City and Tasikmalaya Regency has encouraged people to throw their garbage on the banks of the Ciwulan River, more than 50 illegal waste generation was found in the Ciwulan River," said researcher