Footprints of Tapir Found in a West Sumatra Neighborhood, Residents Worried
Footprints of the wild and protected animal were found just 10 to 30 meters behind a resident's house.
Footprints of the wild and protected animal were found just 10 to 30 meters behind a resident's house.
"It was feared that the crocodile would harm people nearby."
The majority of faunas in Ujung Kulon National Park are rare animals.
The animal was shot with an anaesthetic before it was evacuated from the plantation area.
Olive ridley turtles has been declared vulnerable.
A Crocodylus porosus was found just behind state elementary school SDN 12 Pasia Paneh in Tanjungmutiara subdistrict, Agam regency.
After receiving reports from locals about an orangutan trapped within the plantation area, an evacuation team was quickly deployed.
BBKSDA immediately released it back into the conservation area.
The East Aceh police also confirmed that the dead animal was first discovered by locals.
an adult female tiger and a male tiger got ensnared in a wire trap that local hunters might have set for catching wild boars
On April 15-17, visitors could see the bear cub at the zoo.
Rinca Island is part of the UNESCO World Heritage, Komodo National Park.
Here are 5 destinations where you have a chance to encounter wildlife creatures in Indonesia!
Known as Axis Kuhlii, the Bawean deer looks like a Muntjac at a glance.
The poor crocodile wearing a tire collar has been viral on social media since 2016.
Hili successfully trapped the crocodile using rope, bamboo, and chicken as bait.
Here are6exotic wildlife to see in Indonesia.
The center will provide shelter, rehabilitation, and habituation prior to reintroducing the faunas back into the wild.
Here are six endemic animals in Sulawesi.
The joint team took samples from skull bones, bones of other body parts, the soil where boars died suddenly, and water sources.