Indonesian Embassy Seeks to Repatriate Exploited Migrant Worker in Turkey
I Gusti Ayu Vira Wijayantari from Bali revealed that she was exploited.
15:35 | Aug 17, 2022
I Gusti Ayu Vira Wijayantari from Bali revealed that she was exploited.
The woman born in 1984 does not receive a salary (wages) and cannot communicate with her family in her hometown in East Lampung.
the military-style uniform previously worn by a foreign worker from China at the PLTU 3-4 Nagan Raya construction site, in the Suak Puntong Village area, Kuala Pesisir District, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province
The Bali Provincial Government announced the 2022 Monthly Minimum Wage (UMP).