
'Children of Heaven' Siblings in Baubau

Arfi Bambani | Aulia Hafisa
Brother and Sister Take Turn Wearing Shoes to Go to School (
Brother and Sister Take Turn Wearing Shoes to Go to School ( - A story of a brother and a sister who must take turns wearing shoes to go to school has gone viral on social media.

In a TikTok video uploaded, it is showed that two of them only have one pair of shoes. These kids are elementary school students in Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi.

"Even they only have one pair of shoes to wear alternately, their enthusiasm to go the school is extraordinary. I salute them," said Waode, one of Baubau's residents, to -- Suara network.

The brother and sister, Nadia Blink (11 years old) and Riski Blink (9 years old), have to take a turn because one of their shoes was broken.

Fortunately, they entered the school at different times. One of them went to school in the morning and the other in the afternoon. If there is a moment that both of them had to go to school at the same time, one of them had to give up.

"If I go to school at 10 am, I will be waiting for him (Riski) to finish school, then I will put the shoes back on," said Nadia on Saturday, November 20, 2021

Their friends at school often ridiculed their actions.

"I was often ridiculed and bullied," she said.

Brother and Sister Take Turn Wearing Shoes to Go to School (TikTok)
Brother and Sister Take Turn Wearing Shoes to Go to School (TikTok)

Their story was similar to the movie Children of Heaven, an Iranian movie. It is a heartbreaking story about siblings that have to wear the same pair of shoes for school.

Seeing the story, the Baubau Police Chief Officer, Rio Tangkari, was very moved.

"I am very moved. It reminded me of my childhood condition. I had more or less the same experience as them. I want to encourage the kids. I want them to keep their spirits up amid the imperfections they have. I believe that Allah will help anyone who works hard," said Rio Tangkari.

Rio Tangkara then helped them to provide their supply. He bought them school supplies and motivated them to continue their education even though they were not in a good situation.

Tag # unique # brother and sister take turns wearing shoes # baubau # tiktok # shoes # brother and sister

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