
Three Sumatran Tiger Cubs Born in North Sumatra

Arfi Bambani
Sumatran tiger cubs were born in North Sumatra
Sumatran tiger cubs were born in North Sumatra - Three Sumatran tiger cubs (Panthera tigris sumatrae) were born in the Barumun Tiger Sanctuary, located in Batunanggar Village, Batangonang District, North Padang Lawas Regency (Paluta), North Sumatra.

"The Sumatran tiger is estimated to have been born on Sunday, January 23, 2022. The keeper of the Sanctuary Harimau Barumun was aware of this from CCTV monitoring which operates 24 hours and then reported it to the Parsamuhan Bodichita Mandala Foundation in Medan (YPBMM) to be forwarded to the Conservation Center North Sumatra Natural Resources (KSDA)," said Acting Head of the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center, Irzal Azhar, in a written statement, Friday, February 4, 2022.

Irzal said, based on direct observations by officers from the North Sumatra KSDA Center, three Sumatran tiger cubs were breastfed by their mother. The cubs appear to be in good health and have not been able to open their eyes yet.

The sex of the three has not been identified due to difficulty observing them at close range, because the cage is large and covered with shrubs. "The condition of the cage is indeed made in such a way as to resemble natural conditions. There are trees, shrubs, and water sources. However, currently, the three tiger cubs monitoring continues to be carried out through CCTV observations to see future developments," he said.

Previously 3 years ago, on December 8, 2018, at the same place, were born two Sumatran tiger cubs, male and female. They were given the names "Surya Manggala" and "Citra Kartini". "Currently the two tiger cubs are 3 years old and are being prepared to be released into the wild," he said.

The Barumun Tiger Sanctuary, located in Batunanggar Village, Batangonang District, North Padang Lawas Regency, is a place that was built by the North Sumatra KSDA Center, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in collaboration with YPBMM in 2016, to be a place to rehabilitate conflicted tigers. This place prepares the Sumatran tiger victims of conflicts to be released back into their natural habitat.

Tag # sumatran tiger # indonesia biodiversity # north sumatra # endangered animals

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