
This Week, Museum Aceh Displays 200 Indonesian Musical Instruments

Diana Mariska
Hundreds of traditional musical instruments on display in Museum Aceh. (Photo: ANTARA/Rahmat Fajri)
Hundreds of traditional musical instruments on display in Museum Aceh. (Photo: ANTARA/Rahmat Fajri) - The culture and tourism office in Aceh province has announced that more than 200 traditional musical instruments from 31 museums across Indonesia will be one display in Museum Aceh during “Ragam Nada Satu Irama” (Different Notes One Rhythm) exhibition that will be held on June 22-25.

Acting head of the office Almuniza Kamal said the exhibition aims to introduce the public to different musical instruments that are still being played and can be found throughout regions in Indonesia.

“This is a good way to introduce traditional music instruments,” Kamal said on Wednesday, June 22, as reported by Antara.

The exhibition and its objective are deemed to be of high importance, and he said the office had requested that these instruments stay in Museum Aceh until the end of this year.

Members of the public, especially the millennials, are encouraged to come and see the exhibition to understand and witness the rich cultures of Indonesia, especially since an event similar to this one is rarely held in Museum Aceh.

Meanwhile, director or cultural protection at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Irini Dewi Wanti said there are thousands of traditional musical instruments in Indonesia, but only a part of them are still being played today – including to support other traditional art forms like traditional dances as well as used during celebrations and ceremonies.

She said, currently, there have been numerous instances of collaboration between traditional and modern musical instruments, especially among the younger generations, and it helps the survival (and revival) of traditional Indonesian music.

“In this day age, [such collaboration] has been frequently done, and we definitely encourage more of it,” Wanti said.

Tag # traditional musical instruments # indonesian musical instruments # museum aceh # aceh # indonesian culture

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