- The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) West Sumatra (West Sumatra) implements the Automatic Copyright Registration Approval system (POP HC) to make it easier for the public to register copyrights. It only takes ten minutes to register online.
"The POP HC system is here to make it easier for the public to get protection for their copyrighted works. The processing only takes a maximum of ten minutes," said Head of the West Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office R Andika Dwi Prasetya, in Padang, Saturday, August 27, 2022.
He explained that from January to early August, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights had registered 1,742 copyrights in West Sumatra, dominated by creative economy players and academics. He explained that with the POP HC system, people no longer need to wait for approval from the center as before when registering online at the page.
The POP-HC system is a tangible form of support from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia for the acceleration of the national economy, in particular encouraging science, art, and literature. The registration stages that must be passed are filling out forms, uploading supporting data, submitting, then submitting a payment billing will appear.
"After the payment is made, a registration letter will be issued within ten minutes which can be downloaded by the registrant without waiting for approval from the center again," he said.
Prasetya explained that the registration service innovation was deliberately presented to support the creation of works of creative economy actors, academics, and others. Through copyright, every work will get legal protection, and cannot be used arbitrarily by other parties.
The requirements for registering copyrighted works are an Identity Card (KTP), NPWP, Creation Form, copyright statement letter, and a sample of the work. The Ministry of Law and Human Rights applies a light tariff for registration, namely Rp600 thousand for a computer or digital-based programs and Rp400 thousand for other copyrighted works.
"The Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Directorate General of Intellectual Property has declared that 2022 is the year of copyright, regional offices in the regions will fully support it," said Prasetya said.